Extinguishers are not required for outboard motorboats less than 26 feet in length and of open construction. Fire Extinguisher: One Type B-I Coast Guard approved fire extinguisher must be carried when no fixed fire extinguishing system is installed in machinery spaces.They must be readily accessible and of an appropriate size for the intended wearer.

Personal Flotation Device: One Type I, II, III, or V Coast Guard approved personal flotation device must be carried for each person on board.Navigation Lights - Inland & International.Motorboats 26 Feet To Less Than 40 Feet.Motorboats 16 Feet To Less Than 26 Feet.Requirements vary considerably for commercial vessels and vessels engaged in racing.For equipment purposes, sailboats, canoes, rowboats, and inflatable rafts equipped with motors are considered to be "motorboats". Recreational vessels may carry extra equipment that is not Coast Guard approved provided that the minimum requirements for approved equipment are satisfied.Unless otherwise noted, all required equipment must be Coast Guard approved and must be kept in good, serviceable condition, be readily accessible, and be of the proper type and/or size. Recreational vessels are required to carry specified safety equipment which may vary according to type of propulsion, type of construction, area and time of use, and number of people aboard.Thank you for keeping New Jersey's waterways safe! Abstain from alcohol consumption while boating.Wear your life jackets while under way.